
The Lion of Venice

The Lion of Venice

von: Mark Frutkin

8,49 €

Verlag: Dundurn
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 16.10.1997
ISBN/EAN: 9781459716803
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 224

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<p>This magical new novel by Governor General and Trillium Prize nominee Mark Frutkin, set in 13th century Venice and Cathay, is a dazzling fresco of shimmering language, brimming with golden tableaus of arid deserts and cobblestone alleys, the wafting scent of cardomin and the mystical trill of a praying friar. It is the story of Marco Polo as he is about to set sail on an arduous and lengthy pilgrimage with his father, uncle and faithful guide across the sun-soaked silk route, the rich path of the carpet-makers and the black seas of the Indian Ocean.</p>
<p>Doggedly pursued by a vengeful assassin of the Venetian Doge, Marco is eager to arrive in the promised land of the mighty Kublai Khan and bask in the safety offered by his royal legions. But while enjoying the myths of the new land, Polo is haunted by the recurring appearance of a winged lion which lurks behind his dreams and roams the palace of his heart. Even upon his return to Venice, a naval battle and capture by their rival Genoa, even as he languishes in an enemy jail cell recounting his trials to an incredulous inmate, there is always the heartbeat of the lion.</p>
<p>This magical novel is the story of Marco Polo as he is about to set sail on an arduous pilgrimage across the sun-soaked silk route.</p>
<p>Mark Frutkin has published two previous volumes of poetry, <i>Acts of Light</i> and <i>The Alchemy of Clouds</i>. The Governor General's Award nominee has also published six novels, including <i>Slow Lightning</i>, <i>The Lion of Venice</i>, <i>Atmospheres Apollinaire</i>, and <i>Invading Tibet</i>. His newest work is <i>Iron Mountain</i> (Fall 2001). His work has appeared in the United States, England, Holland, and India, as well as Canada. He lives in Ottawa, Ontario.</p>

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