
Colloids and Colloid Assemblies

Colloids and Colloid Assemblies

Synthesis, Modification, Organization and Utilization of Colloid Particles
1. Aufl.

von: Frank Caruso

291,99 €

Verlag: Wiley-VCH (D)
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 13.12.2006
ISBN/EAN: 9783527606108
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 621

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Written by outstanding experts in the colloids field, this book deals with the recent developments in the synthesis, modification, utilization and application of colloids. The types covered range from metal nanoparticles through to inorganic particles and polymer latexes. Strategies for their modification to impart new properties will be outlined and ordered assemblies derived from colloid particles and some applications for colloids are shown.<br> A multidisciplinary audience spread throughout academia and industry alike will certainly appreciate this first concise collection of knowledge in book form for this topic.
Foreword. <p>Preface.</p> <p>1. Latex Particles (Klaus Tauer).</p> <p>2. Semiconductor Nanoparticles (Andrey L. Rogach, Dmitri V. Talapin and Horst Weller).</p> <p>3. Monolayer Protected Clusters of Gold and Silver (Mathias Brust and Christopher J. Kiely).</p> <p>4. Sonochemical Synthesis of Inorganic and Organic Colloids (Franz Grieser and Muthupandian Ashokkumar).</p> <p>5. Colloidal Nanaoreactors and Nanocontainers (Marc Sauer and Wolfgang Meier).</p> <p>6. Miniemulsions for the Convenient Synthesis of Organic and Inorganic Nanoparticles and “Single Molecule” Applications in Materials Chemistry (Katharina Landfester and Markus Antonietti).</p> <p>7. Metal and Semiconductor Nanoparticle Modification via Chemical Reactions (Luis M. Liz Marzán).</p> <p>8. Nanoscale Particle Modification via Sequential Electrostatic Assembly (Frank Caruso).</p> <p>9. Colloidal Crystals: Recent Developments and Niche Applications (Younan Xia, Hiroshi Fudouzi, Yu Lu, and Yadong Yin).</p> <p>10. Surface-directed Colloids Patterning: Selective Deposition via Electrostatic and Secondary Interactions (Paula T. Hammond).</p> <p>11. Evolving Strategies of Nanomaterials Design (Sean Davis).</p> <p>12. Nanoparticle Organization at the Air-water Interface and in Langmuir-Blodgett Films (Murali Sastry).</p> <p>13. Layer-by-layer Self-assembly of Metal Nanaparticles on Planar Substrates: Fabrication and Properties (Thierry P. Cassagneau).</p> <p>14. Assembly of Electrically Functional Microstructures from Colloidal Particles (Orlin D. Velev).</p> <p>15. 3D Ordered Macroporous Materials (Rick C. Schroden and Andreas Stein).</p> <p>16. Semiconductor Quantum Dots as Multicolor and Ultrasensitive Biological Labels (Warren C.W. Chan, Xiaohu Gao and Shuming Nie).</p> <p>17. Colloids for Encoding Chemical Libraries: Applications in Biological Screening (Bronwyn J. Battersby, Lisbeth Grøndahl, Gwendolyn A. Lawrie, and Matt Trau).</p> <p>18. Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules as Biomimetic Models (Gleb B. Sukhorukov and Helmuth Möhwald).</p> <p>Subject Index.</p>
Materials Today, May 2004<br /> <br /> "In general the production quality of the publication is of the high level that one naturally associates with the publisher. The writing is clear and concise, and the figures are mostly attractive and informative. ... In essence this is a timely work, collecting together the latest research in all the facets of the subject matter. This makes the book a wise acquisition even for those well up-to-date in their own field - there will certainly be a lot of new information and concepts here for everyone. It is both a good read and a helpful reference work."<br /> Dr. Andrew N. Shipway, Mempile Israel Ltd., Kiryat Hatikshoret, Neve Ilan, CHEMPHYSCHEM, 11/2004<br /> <br /> <br /> "A strength of the book is that the contributing authors are leading researchers on the topics presented and have backgrounds in chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, materials science and engineering or biomedical engineering. This enables the work to have wide applicability to the activities of a multidisciplinary audience of scientists and engineers. Much of the text reads like a compilation of excellent review articles, however, relevant basic science concepts that are fundamental to current and future developments are also provided. ... The book is exciting and full of new ideas and directions for the thirty year horizon and beyond. It is a reference that many willl want to read from cover to cover."<br /> Chekesha Liddell, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, <br /> Advanced Materials, Vol. 16, No. 22, November 18, 2004<br /> <br /> <br /> "In view of the rapid developments in the application of nanoparticles and nanomaterials in many technological and other fields, as emphasized at the beginning of this review, this book has appeared at just the right time, and the authors and publisher deserve special thanks for that." <br /> Angewandte Chemie I.E., Vol. 43, No. 41, 2004<br /> <br /> <br />
<b>Frank Caruso’s</b> research interests are in the areas of tailored colloidal systems, polymers at interfaces, protein architectures and nonocomposites thin films.<br /> He obtained his B.Sc. (Hons), first class, and Ph.D. in physical chemistry from The University of Melbourne, Australia (1989 and 1994). He went on to a postdoctoral fellowship at the Division of Chemicals and Polymers, CSIRO, Melbourne, and then joined the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Berlin, Germany, as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow in 1997. In 1999 he became Group Leader at the MPI. In 2002, he returned to The University of Melbourne (Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) as Professor and Australian Research Council Federation Fellow.<br /> Apart from his fellowships, Prof. Caruso has been awarded other prizes for his scientific achievements, including the MPICI award for research excellence (1998), a research award for young achievers in the biosciences from the German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology (1999), the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Rennie Memorial Medal (2000) and the Royal Society of Chemistry-RACI Exchange Medal (2001).<br /> He is a member of the International Advisory Boards of the Wiley-VCH journal Advanced Functional Materials and the American Chemical Society journal Chemistry of Materials. To date, his scientific work has been published in over 115 refereed journal papers and several book chapters, and has yielded 10 patents.
Colloid science is often described as an ‘enabling’ discipline, and its skills and techniques radiate into a wide spectrum of real scientific and industrial challenges ranging from engineering and physics through materials science and chemistry to biology and medicine. It blends well into the current, powerful nanotechnology drive in which mankind strives to gain control over size, shape and function in the nano dimension, and recent years have brought forth new knowledge and abilities to tailor-make functional colloidal particles in a very wide range of sizes ranging from a few nanometers to many micrometers. Opportunities to create materials with new and superior properties in a whole plethora of application fields are arising and being explored worldwide. <p>This is the first, authoritative compilation of colloids expertise in book form, collected from many renowned authors from all over the world. Coverage includes latexes, metal nonoparticles, semiconductor quantum dots, nanocapsules, and miniemulsions. Various methods for the formation of ordered and patterned particle arrays employed in advanced materi als preparation are outlined, and further chapters deal with the use of colloids in niche applications such as biolabeling, biological screening, and drug encapsulation and release.</p> <p>This unique account of colloid science will be of interest to a broad, multidisciplinary audience in both academia and industry. It will also arouse the interest of scientists and engineers who wish to diversify their research, and serves as a reference for graduate students, providing detailed accounts of the current state of colloids research in the various scientific disciplines.</p>

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