

The light, the way, the truth
an alternative explored

Asunción G. García

To John, Encarnita, Paco, Angel Luis, Margarita, Pedro and Carmen. Thank you for those moments without which it would not have been possible to write this book.

And especially to my children, my fiercest critics.


Have you at any time asked yourself why we are here? Do you believe in a superior being or in spirituality? Are we really the only ones that exist in the here and now?

By reading “The Spiritual Journey” we will be reminded that, inside each one of us there is a treasure that is difficult to explain and that we have perhaps forgotten about. Some call it a spirit; others call it light, and others, energy. But if we look deep inside our minds and are brave enough to decide to listen to ourselves, perhaps we will realise that this treasure exists.

For me, a very special part of this book is the one that shows us that we are not alone, that always, throughout the journey, there is someone at our side that is looking after us and protecting us. That “someone” is part of the essence of our being and truly loves us. So much so, that it’s very likely that it helped to form our identity, having always been there, from the very beginning, always and forever, our light and our guide.

By means of her book and her words, the author, Asunción G. Garcia is able to open a marvellous door towards the light, providing us, whilst she invites us to step through the door, with the opportunity to explore the mysterious ways in which our lives are filled with challenges and surprises. She suggests new ways and opportunities to get closer to our own truth as means of acquiring sweet, inner peace, something that we all deserve.

Through her smile and her beautiful words, she is able to pull down the barriers that are put in front of us, because she has the magic key that reaches everyone’s heart. I think she is special in every way.

John O´Brien, sociologist


When you read this book you may or may not believe me, and although I’m sure that at the beginning we agree on this fact, if you do not believe me, at least I think you will find here a pleasant, friendly and enjoyable read. The only thing I can hope for is that you approach it with an open heart and mind and that you enjoy reading it, just as I have enjoyed writing it.

What you are about to read are things that I have learnt during a lifetime of fighting against myself, and at times with others, but I have no regrets because this hard battle has helped me to discover that corner of my heart where all that is true lives. Today I know what to look for and where to find it, and now because of that, two paces away from accepting and knowing myself completely, it’s important to me that I share my feelings with you and how I managed to achieve this.

“The Spiritual Journey” is a therapeutic book for the soul, a book of revisiting, of overcoming, of discovery and of finding answers. Full of emotion, of feeling and of hope, it talks about happiness and how to find our path through life.

Based on personal growth and searching for the truth, through its pages you will observe life from a different perspective, learn to believe in yourself and in everything that surrounds you, and in doing so creating wonder and making visible before your eyes the invisible and the pure.

Once you are submerged in your personal and spiritual world, the spirits will help guide you so that you can experiment with the huge strength of your heart, enabling you to confront your past, your present and your future in a different way, discovering and understanding yourself in a different and better way.

With a hopeful and important message, “The Spiritual Journey” looks for ways to give you guidelines so that you can reflect and turn your life around in a positive way so that through reading about it you can achieve a harmonious, happier and free existence.

Intended for adults that feel anxious and curious about different types of spirituality, it’s a book that deals with spirituality and self help. The explanations are simple and all are related to experiences that you at some time will have experienced yourself.

As well as this, it looks at other spiritual topics like: what happens after death, spiritual journeys, contact with the spirits, spiritual guides, experiences around death, the feeling of existence, interior strength, the angels, etc.

It also suggests special ways of facing fears in order to achieve peace in our hearts.

I don’t know if you will find what you are looking for, but I hope that this book will not leave you feeling indifferent. And now that you have taken the first step, open your heart and enjoy the book. Thank you.

Asunción G. García

I. Spiritual journey

“By opening your heart, you will see the right path very clearly and then there will no place for fear or doubt because every time you take a new step you will moveforwaard towards your own happiness”

Being a spiritual traveller means opening your eyes towards your inner world and beginning to experiment with a different reality that will lead you to discovering fascinating places that are full of life and light. It means that you have acquired the kind of bravery that is necessary to discover and accept yourself for whom you are, and that you can see the world that surrounds you in a different way, but above all, that you are able to connect with your beginnings.

We are all capable of doing it because all that you need to do is to open your heart.

Every person has to find his/her own path and walk it in their own way, so those of us who find ourselves at some time in our lives looking to find the way by means of spirituality are probably learning how to get rid of certain things that are unnecessary, and that could impair us on this long journey.

Take away the weight of resentment, of unhappiness and conflicts…and put into your traveller’s rucksack all your dreams, your hopes, your fantasies…those pure, sincere and beautiful feelings that will always help you …love, happiness, energy, confidence, faith, compassion, forgiveness…and try and direct every moment of your life towards the truth because not being sincere with ourselves and those around us or not finding truthful ways may work for us sometimes, but we cannot deceive them or ourselves for ever. Open your heart and mind, recognise what is bad, throw it out and then you will see that you will feel much better.

Change your way of thinking, always look for the positive in things, try and live for every day, respect yourself, take control of your life and have confidence in yourself and your ability to change what you want to change. For that to happen you have to dedicate time to yourself, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself and above all forgive, because by doing so you will find happiness. Be secure in the knowledge that by being happy yourself you will also make those around you happy too.

One of the virtues of being a spiritual traveller is being yourself, believing in what you feel and behaving in a humble way. You have to be strong and open your heart because that is where the answers lie. Allow yourself to be guided by it, be sincere and don’t try and control everything that you feel because it’s impossible to do so. Adopt a positive attitude, share with others, allow life to be kinder to you, be open to the love that you receive and be happy.

Once you understand this, you have to understand its implications, including having enough courage to allow those around you to enjoy the same opportunity. Advise them when they seek it, but give them the freedom that they need. They, like you, also need to find their path in life and walk it for themselves. I know you think that they are depending on you, however, there are things that you cannot do on their behalf.

Now relax, be aware of your breathing, concentrate on what you are feeling and welcome the light from the other side …because it is there… your new adventure begins here…

Live it with the intensity, strength and passion that you get from believing in yourself.

II. The other side of the heart

“Completely accepting the love and help that we receive from others will help us discover and truly understand the things that are important”

We are all spiritual beings and form part of the same project, just like great teams that work together and give each other mutual support no matter if some are better than others, as we are all sailing in the same boat.

Sometimes, we hear talk of the spiritual world and it rings a bell, but we think that if it exists it must be in a place that is out of our reach, as we don’t know where it is. However the place that at that moment appears so strange and far away from us, is not so. Although it’s true, everyone should occupy the place that is appropriate to them.

Every dimension or place in the universe vibrates with a different form or frequency, which allows overlapping planes to coexist in an infinite space so they don’t get mixed up with one another. Because of this, these beings, if for some reason they want to pass from one plane to the other can only do so if they want to move to a lower plane. They can only move to a higher plane when they have made progress in that sense or feeling.

There are spiritual beings that accompany us from the other side, that advise us and protect our spiritual maturity and integrity, but they do not interfere with our decisions because there are natural and spiritual laws that stop them from doing so as it’s unethical. Everyone has to be free to take the leading role in their lives and to be the one in charge of their own learning. We know of people far cleverer than us who, during important times in our lives have approached us to warn or advice us, but this has not stopped them from realising at the last moment that they are acting according to what has happened to them, and that they should allow us to decide for ourselves.

The spirits are as interested in us as we are in them and the majority of the time they help us without us being aware of it, however, they always allow us enough space to make our own decision. When things work out well for us and we think it’s down to luck, when solutions to problems appear as if by magic, when we bump into someone that we had only been thinking about a few days earlier, when we start to feel good about ourselves, when one door closes and many more open, when we are frightened but we are brave….they are there, by our side.

That’s why we humans who enjoy this world in which we live in, who have been created equal and different all at the same time, each one of us in our own way exceptional and extraordinary and completely free, should fully accept the love and help we have received already, because it helps us to discover and understand the things that are important.

Our walk through life also offers us many opportunities to learn as, together with our species/race or as individuals, the opportunities never stop. It’s us, who at times, by being incapable of seeing what is below the surface and not accepting or seeing things as they really are, that are limiting ourselves by suffering in silence or rejecting anything that could alleviate our pain and help us to move on.

We should open our hearts, trust, be positive, love and value what we have, ask for help when it’s needed, learn to laugh and enjoy and not be fearful of not being accepted by those who have closed hearts and minds, because remember that they also will be helped when they need it.

Before, I thought that asking for help was something I shouldn’t do very often, but as I matured I understood that help is simply that, help, and that it has nothing to do with anything else. It’s simply giving to somebody else what they need; support, advice, a hug, listening…therefore we have to have to be humble and learn how to ask for it. It’s relative to the spiritual world, to family or a friend. There is always someone we can turn to who won’t want anything in return; all we have to do is open our hearts and confide in them.

If we have the strength to go with our feelings without questioning everything or wanting to rationalize everything that happens to us and decide to open our hearts to spirituality, it’s possible that we will have a better understanding of why we are here and the reason for it. It’s not just a question of loosing ourselves completely in the spiritual world either and abandoning the physical. Opening our hearts and minds is good, but it should not dominate our lives. We are like this and this is our natural state, therefore we have to live in both worlds, they complement each other and they should not create obstacles, one against the other.

With the passing of time I have learnt to be patient and positive, however, I still find it difficult to leave the doors open to all the unconditional love that I know all of us have on the inside. Although I am sure that despite my limitations I should do it, I also know that it requires great bravery.

One of these days, when you open your heart and mind you will begin to feel truly free and you will be surprised by the ‘different’ sensations that the philosopher inside you will bring you whilst trying to decipher the mystery, leaving you convinced that there are other places and other worlds and life nearer to you than you could have ever imagined. And now, fascinated by an atmosphere that appears more ethereal, subtle and flexible you will accept this truth without thinking, convinced that your life could change in an instant…

III. There are spiritual beings here with me

“Sleep peacefully and don’t lose hope, because we will see each other again”.

Just as our parents name us at birth, each one of us has a name given to us when we are created and it is associated with the vibration created by our soul when it moves in the spirit world. Every spirit however vibrates in a different way. This information holds great importance given that our name is the key or the password that allows access to our personal information in the spiritual universe.

There exists a place, a time or dimension for those who cross to the other side that allows them to see or communicate with their loved ones. Especially so when they are very close to someone or they have something left that needs to be said. Even though they can present themselves as an apparition, some spirits don’t want to use this method because this way could sometimes cause pain or trauma. They prefer to choose other ways, like communicating through dreams or out of body experiences.


She was very young, hardly an adolescent, when she crossed to the other side with such speed that there wasn’t time to say farewell. I knew her very well, I loved her, I love her and she will always be in my heart.

On the occasion when she visited me, she chose a familiar scene for both of us, a place in the village square where she used to go often with her friends and where she probably always felt happy and safe.

Suddenly, even though I was absolutely certain that I had been in my bed asleep, I found her in the said square.

I cannot hide the fact that I felt confused as to how real this situation appeared to be because, even though this experience had taken place in the most spontaneous way, as if in a dream, I knew very well where she was and what she was doing, and also, as time went by, I felt more conscious and capable. Therefore, in order to reassure myself that what I was experiencing was real, I wanted to be sure before admitting to myself that it was not just a dream, that I could either think for myself or control the situation in some way.

I studied the place carefully and everything seemed to be in the right place. There were other people there, but not one of them concentrated on me.

That place, that had a luminous, serene and relaxed atmosphere, did not make me feel intimidated or frightened, better than that, it invited me into its tranquility and calmness; so I decided that the best thing to do would be not to move but to be attentive and to assume that at any moment an unexpected event could occur.

And then, much to my surprise, I saw her approach…

I watched her as she came. Radiant and full of love, she was extremely pretty with her long hair sweeping over her shoulders, with her eternal smile, her normal walk, with the same happiness that she always had, full of light and hope…I thought she was an angel…

She came to me like a breath of fresh air and started to greet me enthusiastically whilst I, overcome, nervous and confused, searched her face avidly looking to find thousands of answers to the thousands of questions that I had. I started to feel something so wonderful that I can only describe it as a unique and real feeling of happiness, and filled by a deep emotion, I understood.

Smiling contentedly, I looked at her again and confirming that there, written in her serene reflection and the light of that moment, for however many suspicions that I had, I could only find love, peace and harmony. I thought to myself that now I know that she is happy I can’t take her home, because if she is happy then so am I.

At that moment, with my heart shrinking…I couldn’t speak. I didn’t even try to touch her. Although I could see and appreciate just by looking at her that she was well, full of life and happiness, I, feeling highly sensitive and with my affections running high, found myself stunned and looking at her once again trying to work out how she was. Despite everything, it was quite obvious that even though she looked the same as before, her appearance was far more beautiful and radiant. It was obvious that they were looking after her very well, just as her mother did when she was with her, and because of this I should not be concerned.

For my angel our meeting was like a game and she did not stop laughing, I knew that she was happy to see me…but I was also extremely happy to see her!

Enthusiastically and using the same words that I was accustomed to, she told me that she was well, that she had many friends and that she was happy. Then, she changed the subject and asked me about my life.

To which I, not beginning to understand how I had undone the lump in my throat finally said:

“Hello darling! How are you?”

“I’m good, it’s great here. How are you? Do you need help? Do you want anything? Can I help you?”

“No thank you, I’m fine.”

“Tell my mother not to worry, that I am fine.”

“Yes, I will”.

“Listen”, she said smiling and using a conspiratorial tone of voice, “do you want to know what they call you here?”

She said my name, my true spiritual name, and although I have forgotten it, it pleased me to know it. However, what I will never forget are those sweet, intense and fleeting moments that I spent with her once again.

Immediately, and perhaps in an attempt to control their new pupil, another spirit appeared putting an end to our brief and marvellous encounter. She was an elderly and very dignified lady who, ignoring me completely, placed her elegant hand on my angels shoulder and took her away from me. As they went, she kindly explained to her that she was not allowed to reveal her name to those who were not from their world.

At the same time that they were disappearing without a backward glance out of sight, I woke up in my bed overflowing with emotion and full of love. Trying to contain a treacherous and determined tear that began to edge its way down my cheek, I nostalgically began to remember, whilst sleeping placidly once more, tranquil, secure and very grateful to everyone that had allowed me this precious meeting…so beautiful, so special and so full of life.

IV. You never walk alone

“You never walk alone, there is always someone beside you accompanying you, helping you and offering you solutions to your problems, open your heart and listen”.

There are times when we feel low, when we can feel tired and succumb to sadness. If at times this happens to you, when you are in that world of sadness, think about the fact that today’s world isn’t easy for anyone and that you should not surrender. I already know that you have very little time to yourself and that everything is very complicated, however if you are positive, have patience and the necessary hope and strength, you can achieve whatever you set out to do.

Experiencing the sensation of light is something extraordinary that we will never forget and it should also inspire us during those times when we feel lonely or distraught…because loneliness is an affliction that is difficult to cure, especially if it comes from the inside. Even if you are determined to overcome whatever obstacle that appears on life’s path, you have to confront it in order to recuperate your joy for life and your confidence.

Let your heart tell you the truth, open your mind and understand how wrong you were in thinking that you were lonely. You never walk alone; there are always spirits with you, concerned about you, helping you and offering you solutions to your problems, however bad they may appear to you. You should speak to them, tell them what is worrying you and ask for their help. Do it without further ado, because it works. Some day you will surprise yourself by listening from above to your thoughts, and suddenly…you will see everything clearly, it’s so easy…

And then you will understand that you have received that strength that you needed.

Also one day when you least expect it, you will begin to be interested in things that didn’t enter your head before, and without bearly realising it, the veil in front of your eyes will lift and you will believe that at last “they” are helping you and that they are there to aid and appreciate you just as you deserve.

Sometimes you will be of aware of small lights; at other times shadows that are passing close to you as if they were in a hurry…you will see them through the corner of your eye and it will feel as if time is standing still…that will be the time when much to your surprise, with hardly time to breathe, you realise that there is “someone” alongside you that in reality you cannot see. At that moment, possibly full of doubt, you will ask many questions. However, on comprehending that you don’t always have answers to everything and far from feeling frightened you will feel great and very special, because on the inside you have known the truth. Then, later on, on thinking about it again, you may try to forget it and not want to tell anyone …or you may. However, if you do decide to tell someone you will need to be aware that it is more common than you think.

Now that you are on the road and you’ve decided to continue with your search, have acknowledged what you are and that you are capable of certain feelings, as well as “appreciating” and “feeling” you will also, in the same way, be able to “listen”. You will hear voices or some “voice in background” that possibly sounds very much like your own and perhaps at the beginning, it only says your name, just to attract your attention or remind you of a small problem. Then, later on, you will be able to join words, images and sensations to different daily situations and confirm that at times that coincidences do not exist.

Generally, after allowing yourself to admit that all this makes sense and that you, like other people, also have the necessary “ability” for sensing that which is beyond your eyes, you will accept that you are not alone and your mind will be more receptive. Therefore, dreams, feelings, words, images, emotions and other signs will continue to make more sense to you, seeing that they speak about your things, your doubts and concerns, that is to say, about everything that only you know and understand.

When communicating with the spirits that are by your side try and do it serenely and patiently. Ask them a question or tell them about some problem, now that you know that they will respond to you in their own way. It could be that suddenly you have the “answer” or perhaps you will “dream” it, and although you will think that finding the solution will give you a headache and you think that you will never resolve the problem, by giving yourself a second opportunity you will certainly find that the truth was much closer than you had ever imagined.

V. The spiritual guides

“The spiritual guides are highly developed beings whose mission is to help us and give us advice”.

We, even though in reality we do not belong to this place, have come to a world that is so difficult, so materialistic, so difficult, so profound and sometimes so bitter, in order to learn and develop. However, it’s always a relief to know that in this hostile place, we are not alone.

Alongside us are wonderful beings that, through showing never ending patience, protect and help us whilst they wait for us to learn. They are the spiritual guides, highly developed beings whose mission is to help and advice us.

They are always there when we need them, but being respectful towards us and of our freedom of thought, they don’t meddle in our lives unless we ask them to. However, there are still people who do not know of their existence, that are not interested in them or simply have never thought about them; but this is not relevant because the spirits don’t distinguish between people at the time of sharing.

There are many types of spiritual guides and they are all very interested in our spiritual development. It’s quite possible that we will be lucky enough to get to know some of them during our lifetime. It depends on how a change in our vibrations affects our normal behaviour because as we grow and evolve they also do the same as they continue to assist us.

Those guides that aid us now are also part of us. That’s to say, they have always belonged to our great spiritual family.

Even though most of the time they only have a little more experience than us or simply a better quality of love, it’s very important that we listen to them because they give us excellent advice as they are very wise. They can be family members that have passed away or perhaps others who offer themselves voluntarily, but be it one or the other, fortunately we are united eternally by a natural link and an existing love between them and us.

In order to communicate they approach each person in a different way and always in agreement with their development or spiritual maturity. They cannot speak with somebody who is cleverer than them in the same way as with someone who is not, because then it would be difficult to understand their message. Therefore, if we are willing to communicate with them, you can be sure that they will respond and more than that, they will make you understand in a way that they think is best for the each individual. Perhaps through dreams or perhaps images, thoughts, intuitions…

The more developed spiritual guides are those called Ascended Masters. In all religions, philosophies or cultures we speak of exceptional people who have come to earth in human form to teach and help us. Their mission is to make sure that the knowledge acquired by humanity across the centuries is not lost. Their help is immeasurable because they have first-hand knowledge about who we are and how we behave, because they themselves have lived like humans. They are usually guides to big groups and even though they live in a different universe from us, they can return and show themselves as physical beings on earth when they want to.

Sometimes we confuse the spirit guides with the angels, but we shouldn’t do that because they are not. The angels are at our side to protect us, and the spirit guides, as well as leading us, also give us help and advice.

A spirit guide is a divine being, who as we do, possesses a divine “spark”, but is more advanced. The angels belong to another dimension and another hierarchical order are the creation of God, but they are not His sons.

The angels are protectors of a cosmic plan and although all of us have one that protects, accompanies and comes immediately when we call, we shouldn’t confuse one with the other because the task of both is different.

The spirits see everyone as equal beings and do not differentiate between us; they also look at us with infinite love and, of course, they never judge us. They provide us with the opportunities that we need, because the language of the heavens is the language of understanding and love.

It does not matter what we are here on earth, whether we are robbers, assassins, good or bad people because, through the filters of their “eyes” we are all seen as we truly are; marvellous spiritual beings living in an extreme and difficult situation in a hostile place of learning such as Earth, a place that leads us to learn or not learn certain things. It very much depends on how we manage to get on in this world.

However in spite of that, they also understand that we all have to evolve and do so through positive acts of kindness, compassion and love that we carry out throughout our lives.

However, despite the fact that the paths that we have chosen are different and at times totally the opposite, our goal has to be the same, so that each one of us, even the most selfish, has to continue learning until we become saintly beings and are able to enter into the kingdom of the heavens.

During this difficult and long walk our guides never leave us, although certainly at times it’s our minds, being a little cloudy, that doesn’t allow us to look further and because they don’t make their presence felt, we think that they are far away. However they are not, but if we persist in enclosing ourselves in this really sad way of thinking we cannot be certain of this, because even though it’s possible that we cannot see them or feel them at certain times in our lives due to stress, lack of stability, prejudices or nerves, we have to understand that for them this is not a problem, that they can see us, and that they there are and will be there to give us a hand at the time we ask for guidance.

When we call on them, we should not be anxious or distressed because the guides do not respond to fear or tension, they only respond to confidence, tranquility and love. They love to see that we know how to live, that we are courageous and that we are continuing to take risks by making steps towards the sunset, made possible through the miracle of love, faith and confidence that we show both in them and in ourselves.

Your interior guide knows exactly what your problems are and how to resolve them, all you have to do is silence your ego a little so that it’s calmer and allow it to happen. When you are capable of managing without feeling nervous, without the doubts and bad thoughts that affect us all, your internal self together with your inner guide, will help you achieve all that you need.

And of course, don’t even think that you are here to suffer. We have come to this world to learn and to be happy, however what has happened is that man himself has cast a shadow on his own plan by believing that he is here to evolve through suffering and pain and that we all have to suffer, but this is not true. We are here to live life and be happy, although it’s also true that it’s very important to know which path to take in order to be so.

And now, if you happen to be questioning what you have to do in order to connect with your spiritual guides, just think it’s very simple and that they are always at your side to make your walk easier. All is have to do is direct your attention and thoughts towards them and ask for help.

If you want, you can also ask them to demonstrate or give you a small sign, which will make you very happy.

Finally, if you want to thank them for what they are doing, simply tell them so in your own words, nothing else, the same as you would a friend or a brother, speaking from the heart.

VI. Connecting with beings of light: your interior place

“In everything that you can imagine there will always be some truth, because we cannot imagine everything”.

All of us have a secret place, our own; a place we don’t normally show to others because we think it makes us vulnerable. Although in reality deciding to acknowledge it and perhaps show it to the world will help us take a big step in the right direction.

Therefore, it’s really important that you pay attention to yourself, because if you do so it’s possible that you will able, by means of your intimate truths, to get to know yourself a little better.

However, for this to happen, you need to learn how to disconnect from the exterior and start to connect with your interior. Ideally, create an unique place for you, an intimate place where you can be yourself, as well loved, understood, cocooned and happy.