“Where is Tractor?” asked Isabella looking around for her sister and Cocoa.

“She is collecting more wood for the fire, so I can make hot coffee for me and we can toast some bread for your breakfast, I know you both like that. Why don’t you go and help her? Then, when everyone is up, we will go and put the clappers back in the red bell and head home.”

“Oh, no,” thought Isabella, “the adventure is nearly over.” Sailing with Grandpa was always so exciting, she would never end it.

She saw Tractor running towards them with Cocoa right behind her.

She seemed very excited, covered in mud. She looked very funny.

“Look Bella, look! I found blue berries, the tiny ones that go in the pancakes…. but I had to go through some really sticky mud to get to them.” Tractor giggled showing her hands.

Nothing tasted as good as picking your very own berries, as long as you asked Grandpa before eating them. (You never know, little girls could pick the wrong ones.)

They all sat together toasting bread on a stick, eating blue berries and drinking milk. Isabella’s face was all blue, she had eaten so many.

“That was the best breakfast I ever had,” she said to Grandpa.

The girls packed all their stuff neatly into the dingy and made sure they had collected all the rubbish in a bag, so the next person who came would find a nice clean island.

“Come along everyone,” said Grandpa, “let’s go back to the boat. It’s a bit of a squash in the dingy with all of us and the clappers, but if we are careful we can make it. Please put on your life vests. You know that’s the rule, even though I know you all can swim like little fishes!

Finally everyone was back on board. They carefully headed out past Bird Island where many birds nested and also marked the channel of rocks off Seal Cove.

They found the broken red bell no 4 and put the clappers back in place. It was a little tricky as the boat was rocking, but Grandpa was very strong and fixed it in no time.

Suddenly right next to the green bell the seal popped his head out of the water and did his seal bark.