
Quality Teacher Education in Cameroon

Quality Teacher Education in Cameroon

The Role of Sociocultural Backgrounds in Pedagogical Reform Projects
1. Aufl.

von: Hamidou Hassana

55,99 €

Verlag: Budrich Academic Press
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 05.09.2022
ISBN/EAN: 9783966659468
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 390

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Eine qualitätsorientierte Lehrer*innenbildung verbessert die Qualität von Lehr- und Lernprozessen. Welche Rolle spielt dabei der soziokuklturelle Hintergrund? Das Buch beleuchtet, wie der soziokulturelle Hintergrund der Akteur*innen die Qualität der Lehrer*innenausbildung im Rahmen eines pädagogischen Reformprojekts mit Teilnehmer*innen aus Kamerun und Deutschland beeinflusst. Die Analyse und Interpretation qualitativer Daten zeigt, dass die soziokulturellen Hintergründe der Akteur*innen wichtige Faktoren sind, die den internationalen, interkulturellen Dialog über Lehrer*innenbildung sowie die Lehr-Lern-Interaktionsdynamik im Klassenzimmer beeinflussen. Das Buch erörtert darüber hinaus den Einfluss soziokultureller Kontexte auf einen lerner*innenorientierten Unterricht, der auf den Prinzipien von Vielfalt, Interaktion und gegenseitiger Verantwortung beruht.

1 Introduction: The Problem of Sociocultural Backgrounds (SCBs) and Quality Teacher Education (QTE) in Cameroon, Africa
1.1 Introductory remarks about QTE reforms in Cameroon, Africa
1.2 Preliminary Backgrounds of the Pedagogical Reform Principles of the UEC
1.3 Empiric Introduction to the Problem of the Study
1.4 The Problem of the Study, Related Research Questions, and the Scope
1.5 Interest and Significance of the Study
1.6 Organization of the Book

Part 1: Contextual and Theoretical Frameworks of the Concepts of Sociocultural Backgrounds and Quality Teacher Education in Cameroon, Africa

2 Understanding the Concepts of Sociocultural Backgrounds (SCBs) and Quality Teacher Education (QTE) from a Theoretical Perspective of Bildung as a Transformative Process, according to and beyond Bourdieu's Theory of Habitus and Capital Forms
2.1 Understanding the Concepts of SCBs and QTE within the Complex Multi-Cultural Context of Cameroon, Africa
2.2 SCBs and the QTE in Cameroon, Africa: An Empiric Research Perspective of the Theory of Bildung as a Transformative Process (BTP)
2.3 SCBs as World-Self-Relations, Habitus, Frame of Orientation, Social and Cultural Capitals and the Conjunctive Space of Experience?

3 General Trends in Education, Teacher Education Reforms in Cameroon
3.1 An Overview of the Educational Systems in Cameroon
3.2 Some Reforms of the Education Systems in Cameroon
3.3 The Teacher Education Systems in Cameroon

4 Reconstructing and Discussing Pedagogical Reform Ideas Sustaining the EEC Educational Projects in Mbouo
4.1 Backgrounds to the Pedagogical Reform Principles of IPSOM-UEC
4.2 Principle of the Diversity of Meaning vs. the Principle of Unique Meaning (Sens Divers vs. Sens Unique)
4.3 The Development of the Principe d'Interaction (Principle of Interaction) in EP-ER, IPSOM-UEC
4.4 The Development of the Principe de la Responsabilité Réciproque (Principle of Reciprocal or Corporate Responsibility)

5 Reconstructing the Development Process of the Pedagogical Reform Projects of EEC in Mbouo-Bandjoun
5.1 The Project Ecole Pilote (EP) and Ecole de Référence (ER) of Mbouo
5.2 The Project IPSOM
5.3 The UEC's Development from the SCB of Power Relations
5.4 Conjugation of Individual Interests as a Building Block of the Projects?

6 The Reception of the Pedagogical Reform Ideas in EP-ER and IPSOM-UEC
6.1 Moukoko Priso's Contribution to the Discussion and Development of the Pedagogical Reform Principles at the UEC
6.2 Philosophical Reflection on the Principles
6.3 Pedagogical and Didactic Contributions to the Discourse on the Principles
6.4 Fonssi's Contribution to the Conceptualization of the Principles
6.5 Practical Mechanisms Claimed to Sustain the Founding Principles of the UEC

Part 2: A Qualitative Study of Features of SCBs and their Significance for QTE in Cameroon: An Empiric Reconstructive Analysis of Classroom Activities and Autobiographical Narrations

7 Methodological Framework
7.1 The Empiric Reconstructive Research Perspective of the Study
7.2 A Perspective of a Sequential Analysis of the Documentary Method
7.3 The Perspective of the Inference Analysis
7.4 Research Design

8 Empirical Analysis and Interpretation of the SCBs of the Actors Involved in a Class Conference Session in Class 4 of Monsieur Paul (MP)
8.1 Formulating Interpretations
8.2 Reflecting Interpretation
8.3 Significance of the SCBs of the Participants of the Class Conference in Shaping the Classroom Action/Interactions

9 Group Discussion with MP and MT: How Could "Arranger" Reflect the actors' SCBs in the Group Interaction and the Communal Decision-Making Process?
9.1 Formulating Interpretation
9.2 Reflecting Interpretation
Dr. Hamidou Hassana is Assistant Lecturer at the University of Hamburg, Germany.

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