


von: Tom Morton

9,49 €

Verlag: Mainstream Publishing
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 11.03.2011
ISBN/EAN: 9781845969769
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 240

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A name from the murkiest corners of Britain's secret war in Ireland: Serpentine. At first it's just gossip and fearful whispers. But then people begin to die and all hell breaks loose from Palestine to the remote Highlands of Scotland. Fresh from the toughest assignments in the mercenary world comes former SAS officer Murricane. Can he find Serpentine before it's too late and before the horrific secrets of the past threaten to cause chaos not just in Ireland but in the Middle East too?In a trail of mayhem that leads through Scotland, Gaza and Ireland, Murricane battles his own demons, as well as a monstrous former RUC officer, a disgraced policeman and a series of unreliable Land Rovers, until Serpentine plays his final, devastating game . . .Serpentine is an explosive, bitterly funny journey into the darkest heart of the Irish Troubles and the violence that lurks in Scotland's most scenic Highland communities.

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