
Stack Your Bones: 100 Simple Lessons for Realigning Your Body and Moving With Ease

Stack Your Bones: 100 Simple Lessons for Realigning Your Body and Moving With Ease

von: Ruthie Fraser, Cyndi Lee

19,99 €

Verlag: The Experiment, LLC
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 02.05.2017
ISBN/EAN: 9781615193899
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 224

DRM-geschütztes eBook, Sie benötigen z.B. Adobe Digital Editions und eine Adobe ID zum Lesen.


<p><strong>Feel your bones. Get grounded. Relax. Learn to do less.</strong></p> Your body responds to events and stresses in your life: Your back may tense up, shoulders slouch forward, hips veer off to the right or left. Slowly, without noticing, you shift out of balance.
<br> Now, in
<i>Stack Your Bones</i>, movement teacher Ruthie Fraser helps you unwind and realign through 100 simple lessons in Structural Integration. By becoming more aware of your body—its habits, structure, and needs—you can relieve pain and move with ease once again.
<br> Learn to Find Your Feet, Root and Expand, Make It Simple, Vary Your Route, Tackle the Imbalances, and 95 other ways to befriend your body!

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